Jacqui Simpson (LEH 1973-1985) who along with her friends from the Class of 1985 is celebrating 35 years since graduating from LEH, has sent us some wonderfully evocative images of her time at school in the 1980s.
One of them features the lacrosse team taken, she thinks in 1983, displaying distinctively dated hairstyles. “The 80s were all about big hairdos,” remembers Jacqui. “Thankfully hair straighteners were invented in the 1990s! Forget about the wheel and the combustion engine, straighteners were one of man's best inventions!”
Jacqui is in the middle of the centre row, fourth from the left. She remembers most of the names, but some of the pupils were in the year above, so this is her best recollection:
Top row, from the left: Katherine Barnes, Emily Formby, Catherine StVille, Charlotte Thorpe, unknown, Nicola Cooper Middle row: Ann Woodrough, Liz Moore, Nicole Rae (but not sure), Jacqui Simpson (me), Alex Read (but not sure), Ali Gowing Bottom row: Alison Troake, Caroline Robertson, Janet Moore, Linda Wilkinson, Fiona Grundy, Liz Sutcliffe (but not sure).
Jacqui has also shared a couple of other snaps from the early 1980s. Please see the photo gallery below: “Nicola Cooper, Claire Charnock and Emma Williamson are in one of the photos and Kate Alexander is pulling a funny face behind our Lacrosse teacher but I can't remember her name!”
Meanwhile Lindy Chris (LEH 1941-1954) is marking 65 years since she left LEH, alongside the rest of the class of 1955. As she lives in San Francisco now, she will find it hard to join the virtual reunion, due to the time difference, so she has sent this message to share:
“Please say “hello” to everyone from me. I am well and have a small dog, and two cats. I read a lot, garden, knit, paint and write. Last year I had some fiction pieces published and this year I will have two poems published. I’m very much looking forward to being a volunteer usher at the Opera, Symphony and Ballet when that all comes back to life. I have three granddaughters - all very smart (proud and truthful Granny) - and wish they could be at LEHS.”
Liz Cheyne, who was Elisabeth Newby at school (LEH 1963-1970) is marking the 50
th anniversary of graduating from school, by opening up her personal archives to share a few treasures. Please see the photo gallery below.
She showed us a letter she received from the Lord Mayor of London, Sir Peter Studd, who was also a Governor at LEH. In it he talks about what a valuable lesson can by learnt in “this troubled and divided world” by looking to the example of LEH, where “everyone’s willing and unselfish effort to do their best” has allowed it to achieve its aims. Wise words indeed.
Liz, who now lives in South Africa, also shared a range of other LEH memorabilia, including a programme for the Open Afternoon and Summer Fete from July 1970, signed by fellow classmates, plus invitations to other key events and newspaper cuttings.
As you would expect for a year celebrating 50 years since leaving school, we’ve got a bumper number of the Class of 1970 signed up for the virtual reunion. It’s not too late to sign up if you would like to take part in the online event on Saturday 3 October. Please click
here to register.